1tbsp Tickets

1tbsp Tickets

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1tbsp Tickets and Information

Currently, we do not have any tickets available for 1tbsp. However, we expect him to announce a tour soon, and Event Tickets Center will be your place to buy tickets. In the meantime, listen to some of his most popular music via the playlist below and read up on some of his background and biggest achievements. You can also browse similar artists such as Overmono, Logic1000, Two Shell, jamesjamesjames, and yunè pinku and check back soon to buy 1tbsp tickets!

Who is 1tbsp?

1tbsp is a solo artist that has reached mid-level status across the Hip-Hop/Rap, Electronic, and House categories. 1tbsp has released 1 live and studio album and 23 singles on Spotify that string all the way back to Aug 17, 2023 with his debut album titled Mosquito Love.

1tbsp's Popularity

1tbsp's steady growth has led to an overall artist ranking of 28,056 on Spotify in the United States. He has become well known for his exciting shows and entertaining performances which has built a robust following. This is largely fueled by over 300,000 listeners and over 20,000 followers on Spotify, but he also reaches an additional over 4,000,000 listeners on Spotify through playlists. Additionally, 1tbsp has a robust following on social media with more than 10,000 followers on Instagram. His top video on TikTok has more than 1,000,000 views.There are also nearly 1,000 posts on Tik Tok with 1tbsp's tracks featured on them. 1tbsp is most listened to in Los Angeles in the United States.When you attend your next 1tbsp show, it will be easy to see why he has built such a large following.

1tbsp as an Artist

You likely recognize 1tbsp by his top tracks which include "No Nein", "Oh No", and "Limosina". You might also listen to 1tbsp due to his earliest album such as Mosquito Love, but you may have heard of him from similar artists such as Overmono, DJ Seinfeld, and salute.

1tbsp Discography

AlbumRelease DateAlbum Type
In Europe, Kinda SadFeb 10, 2021Single
kanashīMar 17, 2021Single
Dhollandia / CirclesSep 1, 2021Single
Stay Up / RestOct 12, 2021Single
JoanOct 19, 2022Single
2007Nov 2, 2022Single
SeasonsNov 17, 2022Single
JoanNov 30, 2022Single
Replay (1tbsp Remix)Dec 15, 2022Single
Pioneer Digital Plastic SoundFeb 1, 2023Single
No NeinFeb 14, 2023Single
Four Tet Is My GodmotherFeb 28, 2023Single
It's Very LoudMar 15, 2023Single
Sleeves Touch My ElbowsJun 14, 2023Single
d(-_-)b dreaming of your latte art d(-_-)bJul 6, 2023Single
Circuit CurrentJul 12, 2023Single
Best of MeAug 2, 2023Single
Mosquito LoveAug 17, 2023Album
Moth LoveOct 11, 2023Single
StarchitectApr 10, 2024Single
LimosinaMay 9, 2024Single
The City Never Felt So GoodJun 6, 2024Single
MC1KJul 4, 2024Single
Oh NoAug 1, 2024Single

1tbsp Top Tracks

TrackAlbumRelease Date
"Best of Me"Mosquito LoveAug 17, 2023
"Calico"kanashīMar 17, 2021
"Limosina"LimosinaMay 9, 2024
"MC1K"MC1KJul 4, 2024
"Mosquito, Pt. 2"Mosquito LoveAug 17, 2023
"No Nein"No NeinFeb 14, 2023
"Oh No"Oh NoAug 1, 2024
"Sleeves Touch My Elbows"Mosquito LoveAug 17, 2023
"The City Never Felt So Good"The City Never Felt So GoodJun 6, 2024
"d(-_-)b dreaming of your latte art d(-_-)b"d(-_-)b dreaming of your latte art d(-_-)bJul 6, 2023

Similar Artists to 1tbsp

ArtistGenreSpotify Followers
DJ SeinfeldHouse95,289
Pretty GirlElectronic24,710
yunè pinkuElectronic24,591
Two ShellElectronic29,788

Listen to some of the biggest hits from 1tbsp