Tsai Chin Tickets

Tsai Chin Tickets

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Tsai Chin Tickets and Information

Currently, we do not have any tickets available for Tsai Chin. However, we expect them to announce a tour soon, and Event Tickets Center will be your place to buy tickets. In the meantime, listen to some of their most popular music via the playlist below and read up on some of their background and biggest achievements. You can also browse similar artists such as Sarah Chen, 鳳飛飛, Chyi Yu, and Winnie Hsin and check back soon to buy Tsai Chin tickets!

Who is Tsai Chin?

Tsai Chin is an artist that has reached mid-level status across the Pop, Rock, and Oldies categories. Tsai Chin has released 153 live and studio albums and 153 singles on Spotify that string all the way back to Jan 1, 1983 with their debut album titled 昨夜之燈. Their most recent album release was 傷心小站 (Remastered) on Dec 16, 2016.

Tsai Chin's Popularity

Tsai Chin's growth has led to an overall artist ranking of 33,026 on Spotify in the United States. They have become well known for their exciting shows and entertaining performances which has built a robust following. This is largely fueled by nearly 200,000 listeners and over 100,000 followers on Spotify, but they also reach an additional nearly 1,000,000 listeners on Spotify through playlists. Their top video on TikTok has over 500,000 views.There are also nearly 1,000 posts on Tik Tok with Tsai Chin's tracks featured on them. When you attend your next Tsai Chin show, it will be easy to see why they have built such a large following.

Tsai Chin as an Artist

You likely recognize Tsai Chin by their top tracks which include "明天會更好", "恰似你的溫柔 - Remastered", and "被遺忘的時光 - Remastered". You might also listen to Tsai Chin due to their earliest albums such as 昨夜之燈, 世界名曲專輯, and 不了情, but you may have heard of them from similar artists such as Fei Yu-ching, Sarah Chen, and Zhang Qing Fang.

Tsai Chin Discography

AlbumRelease DateAlbum Type
昨夜之燈Jan 1, 1983Album
世界名曲專輯Jan 1, 1983Album
不了情Jan 1, 1983Album
此情可待 最後一夜Nov 7, 1984Album
癡癡的等Jul 20, 1985Album
傷心小站Mar 20, 1986Album
人生就是戲 (Soundtracks)Oct 4, 1986Album
時間的河Nov 5, 1987Album
火舞Jun 10, 1988Album
談心Oct 16, 1989Album
蔡琴.鄭怡.張清芳Jan 1, 1990Album
回到未來 國語老歌 (Remastered)Jan 1, 1991Album
太陽出來了Jul 11, 1991Album
午夜場Jul 11, 1995Album
民歌蔡琴 (Remastered)Jan 1, 1996Album
Tsai Chin TaiwaneseSep 11, 1996Album
傻話Jan 1, 1997Album
蔡琴老歌不了情精精選Jan 1, 1998Album
蔡琴畅销金曲专辑四May 18, 1998Album
蔡琴畅销金曲专辑二May 18, 1998Album
蔡琴畅销金曲专辑三May 18, 1998Album
蔡琴畅销金曲专辑一May 18, 1998Album
梦里花落May 18, 1998Album
再爱我一次May 18, 1998Album
精選‧蔡琴Apr 24, 1999Album
我有一段情Jun 9, 1999Album
蔡琴走過的歲月精精選Jan 1, 2001Album
蔡琴最愛琴歌2Jan 1, 2001Album
蔡琴最愛琴歌Jan 1, 2001Album
金片子 壹・天涯歌女Feb 1, 2001Album
蔡琴 (國語精選)Jan 8, 2003Album
蔡琴老歌Feb 11, 2003Album
蔡琴金聲回憶錄101Jan 1, 2007Album
蔡琴不了情.經曲國語精選Jan 1, 2007Album
蔡琴不了情演唱會Mar 23, 2007Album
蔡琴经典·贰Aug 1, 2007Album
蔡琴经典·壹Aug 1, 2007Album
不了情首次个人演唱会Sep 15, 2008Album
"愛像一首歌"Jan 1, 2009Album
回到未來 台語老歌 (Remastered)Jan 1, 2009Album
舊曲情懷 2Jan 3, 2010Album
舊曲情懷 1Jan 3, 2010Album
蔡琴2010《海上良宵》香港演唱會Jan 1, 2011Album
團圓Jan 1, 2014Single
金片子 貳・魂縈舊夢Mar 23, 2015Album
遇見Apr 15, 2015Album
一起走來 - 2001香港紅磡演唱會 (Live)Apr 22, 2015Album
蔡琴老歌 癡癡的等 (Remastered)May 8, 2015Album
情歌蔡琴 (Remastered)May 8, 2015Album
巨星名曲, Vol. 6: 蔡琴 (修復版)May 30, 2016Album
傷心小站 (Remastered)Dec 16, 2016Album
电视剧《爱在战火纷飞时》片尾主题歌Nov 18, 2022Single

Tsai Chin Top Tracks

TrackAlbumRelease Date
"不了情"蔡琴名曲專輯1Feb 1, 1970
"你的眼神 - Remastered"民歌蔡琴 (Remastered)Jan 1, 1996
"南屏晚鐘"蔡琴2010《海上良宵》香港演唱會Jan 1, 2011
"恰似你的溫柔 - Remastered"民歌蔡琴 (Remastered)Jan 1, 1996
"情人的眼淚"蔡琴名曲專輯1Feb 1, 1970
"明天會更好"明天會更好Oct 25, 1985
"最後一夜"此情可待 最後一夜Nov 7, 1984
"渡口 - Remastered"民歌蔡琴 (Remastered)Jan 1, 1996
"被遺忘的時光 - Remastered"民歌蔡琴 (Remastered)Jan 1, 1996
"讀你"此情可待 最後一夜Nov 7, 1984

Similar Artists to Tsai Chin

ArtistGenreSpotify Followers
Fei Yu-chingPop135,627
Julie SuePop50,254
Chiang Yu-HengPop49,822
Sarah ChenPop93,410
Tracy HuangPop42,737
Zhang Qing FangMandopop82,740
Chyi YuPop54,736

Listen to some of the biggest hits from Tsai Chin