a rear view image of henk leeuwis the lead vocalist from fais do do performing live

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Fais Do Do Tickets and Information

Currently, we do not have any tickets available for Fais Do Do. However, we expect them to announce a tour soon, and Event Tickets Center will be your place to buy tickets. In the meantime, listen to some of their most popular music via the playlist below and read up on some of their background and biggest achievements right here! Be sure to check back soon to buy Fais Do Do tickets!

Who is Fais Do Do for the Loup Garou?

Fais Do Do for the Loup Garou is an artist that has reached undiscovered status across the emo and pop punk categories. Fais Do Do for the Loup Garou has released 2 live and studio albums and 1 singles on Spotify that string all the way back to Aug 1, 2002 with their debut album titled Eddie's Tire Service. Their most recent album release was Mardi Blue Grass on Jul 9, 2024.

Fais Do Do for the Loup Garou as an Artist

You likely recognize Fais Do Do for the Loup Garou by their top tracks which include "Under the Stormy Sky", "Les flammes d'enfer", and "Do re mi".

Fais Do Do for the Loup Garou's Music Library

Fais Do Do for the Loup Garou has released a total of 2 albums on Spotify and is the main or feature artist on 1 track. Their full discography can be found in the charts below, as well as their top 10 songs. However, when you attend a Fais Do Do for the Loup Garou show, you're sure to hear more than a few of their big hits from their top albums which include Eddie's Tire Service and Mardi Blue Grass. Their most recent album, Mardi Blue Grass was released on Jul 9, 2024. To supplement their albums, Fais Do Do for the Loup Garou has released 1 single on Spotify.

Fais Do Do for the Loup Garou Discography

AlbumRelease DateAlbum Type
Eddie's Tire ServiceAug 1, 2002Album
Mardi Blue GrassJul 9, 2024Album
LiveJul 9, 2024Single

Fais Do Do for the Loup Garou Top Tracks

TrackAlbumRelease Date
"Bosco Stomp"Eddie's Tire ServiceAug 1, 2002
"Danse de Mardi Gras"Eddie's Tire ServiceAug 1, 2002
"Do re mi"Eddie's Tire ServiceAug 1, 2002
"Get Down River"Eddie's Tire ServiceAug 1, 2002
"La valse criminelle"Eddie's Tire ServiceAug 1, 2002
"Les flammes d'enfer"Eddie's Tire ServiceAug 1, 2002
"Parlez-nous a boire"Mardi Blue GrassJul 9, 2024
"Tee Mom"Eddie's Tire ServiceAug 1, 2002
"Under the Stormy Sky"Mardi Blue GrassJul 9, 2024
"You Low Down Dirty Dog"Eddie's Tire ServiceAug 1, 2002