Guy Davis Tickets

Guy Davis Tickets

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Guy Davis Tickets and Information

Currently, we do not have any tickets available for Guy Davis. However, we expect him to announce a tour soon, and Event Tickets Center will be your place to buy tickets. In the meantime, listen to some of his most popular music via the playlist below and read up on some of his background and biggest achievements. You can also browse similar artists such as Otis Taylor, Charlie Musselwhite, Joe Louis Walker, and Kelly Joe Phelps and check back soon to buy Guy Davis tickets!

Who is Guy Davis?

Guy Davis is a solo artist that has reached developing status across the Blues and piedmont blues categories. Guy Davis has released 39 live and studio albums and 39 singles on Spotify that string all the way back to Jan 1, 1978 with his debut album titled Dreams About Life. His most recent album release was The Legend Of Sugarbelly on Aug 23, 2024.

Guy Davis' Popularity

Guy Davis' growth has led to an overall artist ranking of 169,899 on Spotify in the United States. He has become well known for his exciting shows and entertaining performances which has built a robust following. This is largely fueled by more than 30,000 listeners and more than 10,000 followers on Spotify, but he also reaches an additional more than 1,000,000 listeners on Spotify through playlists. His top video on TikTok has more than 10,000 views.There are also nearly 1,000 posts on Tik Tok with Guy Davis' tracks featured on them. When you attend your next Guy Davis show, it will be easy to see why he has built such a large following.

Guy Davis as an Artist

You likely recognize Guy Davis by his top tracks which include "Loneliest Road That I Know", "Maybe I'll Go", and "You Don't Know My Mind". You might also listen to Guy Davis due to his earliest albums such as Dreams About Life, Stomp Down Rider, and Call Down the Thunder, but you may have heard of him from similar artists such as Eric Bibb, Otis Taylor, and Charlie Musselwhite.

Guy Davis Discography

AlbumRelease DateAlbum Type
Dreams About LifeJan 1, 1978Album
Stomp Down RiderOct 17, 1995Album
Call Down the ThunderOct 23, 1996Album
You Don’t Know My MindApr 21, 1998Album
Butt Naked FreeMar 14, 2000Album
Give In KindApr 9, 2002Album
Chocolate To The BoneJul 22, 2003Album
LegacyAug 24, 2004Album
SkunkmelloApr 4, 2006Album
On AirSep 7, 2007Album
Sweetheart Like YouFeb 10, 2009Album
The Adventures of Fishy Waters: in Bed With the BluesFeb 21, 2012Album
Juba DanceSep 10, 2013Album
Kokomo KiddSep 18, 2015Album
Sonny & Brownie's Last TrainMar 24, 2017Album
God's Gonna Make Things OverMay 14, 2021Single
Be Ready When I Call YouJun 4, 2021Album
The Legend Of SugarbellyAug 23, 2024Album

Guy Davis Top Tracks

TrackAlbumRelease Date
"Down at the Sea Hotel"Down at the Sea HotelOct 23, 2007
"Loneliest Road That I Know"Give In KindApr 9, 2002
"Loneliest Road tha I Know"On AirSep 7, 2007
"Maybe I'll Go"Kokomo KiddSep 18, 2015
"Nothing But a Child"Down at the Sea HotelOct 23, 2007
"Red Goose"LegacyAug 24, 2004
"Sometimes I Wish..."Butt Naked FreeMar 14, 2000
"Thanksgiving Day"Call Down the ThunderOct 23, 1996
"We All Need More Kindness In This World"LegacyAug 24, 2004
"You Don't Know My Mind"You Don’t Know My MindApr 21, 1998

Similar Artists to Guy Davis

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Listen to some of the biggest hits from Guy Davis