Perfect Crime Tickets

Perfect Crime Tickets

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Meet Perfect Crime Show

Warren Manzi's PERFECT CRIME is a sexy, funny and fast-paced thriller that makes for a great night of whodunit. The longest-running play in NYC history takes place in the home of a wealthy psychiatrist, Margaret Brent, who is accused of murdering her husband. The handsome detective thinks he has it all figured out, but her husband's murder is only the beginning in what may just be thePerfect Crime.

Perfect Crime stars Catherine Russell, the "Cal Ripken of Broadway," Richard Shoberg (Tom Cudahy on All My Children), Jack Koenig (The Lion King, Tabletop, Law & Order), George McDaniel (The West Wing, ER, Saved by the Bell.)

PERFECT CRIME is the perfect show for fans of Law & Order, CSI and Hitchcock films!