Tom Hamilton Tickets

Tom Hamilton Tickets


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Tom Hamilton Tickets and Information

Currently, we do not have any tickets available for Tom Hamilton. However, we expect them to announce a tour soon, and Event Tickets Center will be your place to buy tickets. In the meantime, listen to some of their most popular music via the playlist below and read up on some of their background and biggest achievements. You can also browse similar artists such as Hilda Paredes, Sándor Szabó, Yan Maresz, and Travis Johnson and check back soon to buy Tom Hamilton tickets!

Who is Tom Hamilton?

Tom Hamilton is an artist that has reached null status across the pop category. Tom Hamilton has released 4 live and studio albums and 5 singles on Spotify that string all the way back to May 19, 2021 with their debut album titled OohZaZoos. Their most recent album release was Live in Cancun, Mexico, 01/15/2023 on Feb 17, 2023.

Tom Hamilton as an Artist

You likely recognize Tom Hamilton by their top tracks which include "Alone In The Valley", "Smile Pretty For The Camera", and "The Swimmer". You might also listen to Tom Hamilton due to their earliest albums such as OohZaZoos, Lacuna, and Live from the Ballroom, but you may have heard of them from similar artists such as Edward Miller, Hilda Paredes, and Travis Johnson.

Tom Hamilton Discography

AlbumRelease DateAlbum Type
Joeline (Live at Sugarshack Sessions)Jun 26, 2020Single
Tom Hamilton Jr. Live at Sugarshack SessionsJul 10, 2020Single
OohZaZoosMay 19, 2021Album
LacunaNov 19, 2021Album
Live from the BallroomJan 7, 2022Album
Live in Cancun, Mexico, 01/15/2023Feb 17, 2023Album
Road Trip & A Perfect ViewApr 7, 2023Single
Head UnderwaterJul 26, 2023Single
Keep On Movin'Nov 8, 2023Single

Tom Hamilton Top Tracks

TrackAlbumRelease Date
"Alone In The Valley"Keep On Movin'Nov 8, 2023
"Exit This Way"LacunaNov 19, 2021
"Isosolost"LacunaNov 19, 2021
"Joeline (Live at Sugarshack Sessions)"Joeline (Live at Sugarshack Sessions)Jun 26, 2020
"Lacuna"LacunaNov 19, 2021
"Pavement Grass"LacunaNov 19, 2021
"Smile Pretty For The Camera"LacunaNov 19, 2021
"The Swimmer"LacunaNov 19, 2021
"This Elevator Goes Up"LacunaNov 19, 2021
"Your Shadow Looms Large"LacunaNov 19, 2021

Similar Artists to Tom Hamilton

ArtistGenreSpotify Followers
Edward Millerchoral1,416
Sándor Szabóceltic229
Travis Johnsondub techno256
Jukka-Pekka Kervinenhyperpop123
Hilda Paredesindie folk327
Yan Mareszclassical155
Larry Austinambient131
James Randallchristian53
Kevin Lewiship-hop/rap49
Ladislav Simonclassical43