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ETC Cares Partners with Project Angel Heart

Amber Aikman | June 24, 2024
ETC Employees Volunteering for Project Angel Heart

Delivering Hope and Support: Event Tickets Center Partners with Project Angel Heart

Event Tickets Center (ETC) Cares continues its dedication to Denver by making a positive impact in the community through their recent partnership with Project Angel Heart. This organization, with its unique core values and mission of delivering hope and health, resonates deeply with ETC Cares' mission of social responsibility.

Founded over 30 years ago, through Project Angel Heart’s vision for all Coloradans living with severe illness to have access to nutritious food, they address the critical challenge of ensuring these individuals receive the vital nutrition they need to heal and remain at home.

ETC Cares Delivers a Helping Hand

On June 14th, the ETC Cares Denver team took an impactful step towards this mission. They volunteered their time with Project Angel Heart, delivering nourishing meals directly to Denver residents bravely facing terminal illnesses. Their goal in this act of service was about offering a sense of hope and human connection. 

A Heartfelt Experience

Jack Gallagher, Event Tickets Center’s Office Manager & Advisor Analyst in Operations, shared his perspective on the experience:

"Volunteering with Project Angel Heart was truly an eye-opening experience. The sheer number of Denverites who rely on their meal delivery services surprised me. The organization itself was impressive – highly sophisticated and well-managed.  From the moment we entered the warehouse, it was clear Project Angel Heart is dedicated to serving the community with high-quality service and personalized meal plans for those battling severe illnesses. Delivering the meals provided a unique opportunity to meet these individuals face-to-face. It was an honor to play a small part in this incredible organization's work!"

As did Abby Croell, Event Ticket Center’s Social Media Marketing Manager, who echoed this sentiment:

"It was truly inspiring to witness how these initiatives directly impact and support vulnerable members of our community. Seeing the gratitude on their faces highlighted how small acts of kindness and compassion can truly change lives."

The Ripple Effect of Compassion

ETC Cares' partnership with Project Angel Heart exemplifies the organization's commitment to social responsibility. By delivering nutritious meals, ETC Cares volunteers not only provided essential sustenance but also offered a sense of hope and human connection to those battling illness. This act of compassion serves as a reminder of the power we all have to make a positive difference in the lives of others.

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