Robert Jones Tickets

Robert Jones Tickets

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Robert Jones Tickets and Information

Currently, we do not have any tickets available for Robert Jones. However, we expect him to announce a tour soon, and Event Tickets Center will be your place to buy tickets. In the meantime, listen to some of his most popular music via the playlist below and read up on some of his background and biggest achievements. You can also browse similar artists such as Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, John Dowland, and Jenő Jandó and check back soon to buy Robert Jones tickets!

Who is Robert Jones?

Robert Jones is a solo artist that has reached developing status across the choral category. Robert Jones has released 2 live and studio albums and 1 singles on Spotify that string all the way back to Dec 31, 1994 with his debut album titled Bruckner: Motets. His most recent album release was Brahms: Motets on Jan 1, 1999.

Robert Jones as an Artist

You likely recognize Robert Jones by his top tracks which include "Love wing´d my hopes", "Macht hoch die Tür", and "Stille Nacht". You might also listen to Robert Jones due to his earliest albums such as Bruckner: Motets and Brahms: Motets, but you may have heard of him from similar artists such as Ensemble Correspondances, The Royal Wind Music, and Franz Tunder.

Robert Jones Discography

AlbumRelease DateAlbum Type
Bruckner: MotetsDec 31, 1994Album
Brahms: MotetsJan 1, 1999Album
Fare Well Fond YouthSep 6, 2019Single

Robert Jones Top Tracks

TrackAlbumRelease Date
"Away in a manger"Christmas GloryNov 13, 2019
"Es ist ein Ros entsprungen"Christmas GloryNov 13, 2019
"Farewell, Dear Love"The Food of Love: Songs, Dances, and Fancies for ShakespeareAug 23, 2019
"Love wing´d my hopes"Dreames & Imaginations - Poeticall Musicke to be sung to the Lyra viol (Music from around 1600)Oct 18, 2024
"Macht hoch die Tür"Christmas GloryNov 13, 2019
"My love bound me with a kisse"Dreames & Imaginations - Poeticall Musicke to be sung to the Lyra viol (Music from around 1600)Oct 18, 2024
"O how my thoughts doe beate me"Dreames & Imaginations - Poeticall Musicke to be sung to the Lyra viol (Music from around 1600)Oct 18, 2024
"Stille Nacht"Christmas GloryNov 13, 2019
"The Angel Gabriel"Christmas GloryNov 13, 2019
"Whither runneth my sweet hart"Dreames & Imaginations - Poeticall Musicke to be sung to the Lyra viol (Music from around 1600)Oct 18, 2024

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