Wand Tickets

Wand Tickets

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Wand Tickets and Information

Currently, we do not have any tickets available for Wand. However, we expect them to announce a tour soon, and Event Tickets Center will be your place to buy tickets. In the meantime, listen to some of their most popular music via the playlist below and read up on some of their background and biggest achievements. You can also browse similar artists such as Ty Segall, Thee Oh Sees, The Murlocs, Fuzz, and Night Beats and check back soon to buy Wand tickets!

Who is Wand?

Wand is a band from Los Angeles that has reached developing status across the indie, art pop, and neo-psychedelic categories. Wand has released 15 live and studio albums and 15 singles on Spotify that string all the way back to Aug 26, 2014 with their debut album titled Ganglion Reef. Their most recent album release was Vertigo on Jul 26, 2024.

Wand's Popularity

Wand's steady growth has led to an overall artist ranking of 43,971 on Spotify in the United States. They have become well known for their exciting shows and entertaining performances which has built a robust following. This is largely fueled by nearly 200,000 listeners and more than 50,000 followers on Spotify, but they also reach an additional over 2,000,000 listeners on Spotify through playlists. Additionally, Wand has a robust following on social media with more than 10,000 followers on Instagram. They average over 2,000,000 videos on YouTube and their top video on TikTok has nearly 300,000 views on the social media platform. There are also nearly 1,000 posts on Tik Tok with Wand's tracks featured on them. Wand is most listened to in Seattle in the United States.When you attend your next Wand show, it will be easy to see why they have built such a large following.

Wand as an Artist

You likely recognize Wand by their top tracks which include "Flying Golem", "Dungeon Dropper", and "Melted Rope". You might also listen to Wand due to their earliest albums such as Ganglion Reef, Golem, and 1000 Days, but you may have heard of them from similar artists such as Ty Segall, Thee Oh Sees, and The Murlocs.

Wand Discography

AlbumRelease DateAlbum Type
Ganglion ReefAug 26, 2014Album
GolemMar 17, 2015Album
Machine Man / M.E.Jul 31, 2015Single
1000 DaysSep 25, 2015Album
PlumSep 22, 2017Album
PerfumeMay 25, 2018Single
Laughing MatterApr 19, 2019Album
Spiders in the RainOct 28, 2022Album
Help DeskMar 5, 2024Single
SmileMay 7, 2024Single
JJJun 18, 2024Single
VertigoJul 26, 2024Album
The LeapSep 11, 2024Single
GoldfishSep 11, 2024Single

Wand Top Tracks

TrackAlbumRelease Date
"Broken Candle"Ganglion ReefAug 26, 2014
"Curtain Call"VertigoJul 26, 2024
"Dungeon Dropper"1000 DaysSep 25, 2015
"Flying Golem"Ganglion ReefAug 26, 2014
"Hangman"VertigoJul 26, 2024
"JJ"VertigoJul 26, 2024
"Melted Rope"GolemMar 17, 2015
"Paintings Are Dead"1000 DaysSep 25, 2015
"Send/Receive (Mind)"Ganglion ReefAug 26, 2014
"Smile"VertigoJul 26, 2024

Similar Artists to Wand

ArtistGenreSpotify Followers
Thee Oh Seesindie311,990
Ty Segallindie326,527
The Murlocsindie116,518
Frankie and the Witch Fingersindie52,336
White Fenceindie49,546
Morgan Deltindie44,998

Listen to some of the biggest hits from Wand