Alt Bloom Tickets

Alt Bloom Tickets


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Alt Bloom Tickets and Information

Currently, we do not have any tickets available for Alt Bloom. However, we expect them to announce a tour soon, and Event Tickets Center will be your place to buy tickets. In the meantime, listen to some of their most popular music via the playlist below and read up on some of their background and biggest achievements. You can also browse similar artists such as Christian French, Peach Tree Rascals, Forrest., Zachary Knowles, and BabyJake and check back soon to buy Alt Bloom tickets!

Who is Alt Bloom?

Alt Bloom is an artist that has reached developing status across the folk pop, r&b, and singer-songwriter pop categories. Alt Bloom has released 55 live and studio albums on Spotify that string all the way back to Jun 7, 2019 with their debut album titled Call It Home. Their most recent album release was Almost Once on Feb 5, 2025.

Alt Bloom's Popularity

Alt Bloom's steady growth has led to an overall artist ranking of 53,891 on Spotify in the United States. They have become well known for their exciting shows and entertaining performances which has built a robust following. This is largely fueled by more than 200,000 listeners and nearly 30,000 followers on Spotify, but they also reach an additional over 2,000,000 listeners on Spotify through playlists. Additionally, Alt Bloom has a robust following on social media with nearly 20,000 followers on Instagram. Their top video on TikTok has tens of millions of views.There are also about 9,000 posts on Tik Tok with Alt Bloom's tracks featured on them. Alt Bloom is most listened to in Los Angeles in the United States.When you attend your next Alt Bloom show, it will be easy to see why they have built such a large following.

Alt Bloom as an Artist

You likely recognize Alt Bloom by their top tracks which include "October Eyes", "Waste More Time", and "West Coast". You might also listen to Alt Bloom due to their earliest albums such as Call It Home, Call It Home - Single, and Potential, but you may have heard of them from similar artists such as Christian French, Fulton Lee, and Carneyval.

Alt Bloom's Music Library

Alt Bloom has released a total of 55 albums on Spotify and is the main or feature artist on 53 tracks. Their full discography can be found in the charts below, as well as their top 10 songs. However, when you attend a Alt Bloom show, you're sure to hear more than a few of their big hits from their top albums which include October Eyes, More Than Anything - Single, and Yesterday Forever. Their most recent album, Almost Once was released on Feb 5, 2025.

Alt Bloom Discography

AlbumRelease DateAlbum Type
Call It HomeJun 7, 2019Album
Call It Home - SingleJun 7, 2019Album
PotentialJul 12, 2019Album
Potential - SingleJul 12, 2019Album
October EyesSep 27, 2019Album
October Eyes - SingleSep 27, 2019Album
StayNov 22, 2019Album
Stay - SingleNov 22, 2019Album
West CoastJan 17, 2020Album
Damn BabyFeb 28, 2020Album
Get BackApr 17, 2020Album
Astronaut ComplexJun 12, 2020Album
Astronaut Complex - EPJun 12, 2020Album
text talk touchAug 28, 2020Album
text talk touch - SingleAug 28, 2020Album
Getting to GettingOct 16, 2020Album
Getting to Getting - SingleOct 16, 2020Album
TiredMar 26, 2021Album
Tired - SingleMar 26, 2021Album
I Believe (From National Geographic's "Planet Possible")Apr 21, 2021Album
I Believe (From National Geographic's "Planet Possible") - SingleApr 21, 2021Album
Fly AwayMay 21, 2021Album
Fly Away - SingleMay 21, 2021Album
Old Kick DrumJul 2, 2021Album
West Coast SummerJul 23, 2021Album
High Sometimes - SingleAug 13, 2021Album
October EyesSep 17, 2021Album
High SchoolSep 24, 2021Album
High School (Piano Remix)Dec 8, 2021Album
Winter VacationDec 10, 2021Album
Beautiful - SingleFeb 11, 2022Album
Return of the BloomJun 10, 2022Album
Sugar and Daisies - SingleJul 29, 2022Album
Summer Craft - EPAug 26, 2022Album
TYCOSep 30, 2022Album
Maybe SomedayOct 21, 2022Album
Yesterday ForeverNov 11, 2022Album
Yesterday Forever (and ever)Nov 11, 2022Album
Fine LinesFeb 24, 2023Album
Girl Walks Into a Bar - SingleMar 31, 2023Album
Precious - SingleMay 5, 2023Album
More Than Anything - SingleJun 23, 2023Album
So GladJul 28, 2023Album
Why Stop Now - EPSep 8, 2023Album
Aging WineOct 10, 2023Album
Never OverNov 21, 2023Album
You Got My Best - SingleJan 26, 2024Album
Alone With YouFeb 27, 2024Album
Afternoons - SingleMar 29, 2024Album
Trauma - SingleMay 3, 2024Album
As Good As It GetsJul 12, 2024Album
Waterfall - EPAug 9, 2024Album
Good Intentions - EPSep 6, 2024Album
Good Intentions (Deluxe) - EPNov 22, 2024Album
Almost OnceFeb 5, 2025Album

Alt Bloom Top Tracks

TrackAlbumRelease Date
"Afternoons"AfternoonsMar 29, 2024
"Almost Once"Almost OnceFeb 5, 2025
"Altar"Good Intentions (Deluxe)Nov 22, 2024
"As Good As It Gets"As Good As It GetsJul 12, 2024
"Damn Baby"Astronaut ComplexJun 12, 2020
"Fine Lines"Fine LinesFeb 24, 2023
"October Eyes"October EyesSep 27, 2019
"Waste More Time"Yesterday ForeverNov 11, 2022
"Waterfall"WaterfallAug 9, 2024
"West Coast"Astronaut ComplexJun 12, 2020

Similar Artists to Alt Bloom

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Zachary Knowlesfolk pop72,718
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