sisters of mercy singer and electric guitarist on stage together.

Sisters Of Mercy Tickets


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Sisters Of Mercy Tickets and Information

Currently, we do not have any tickets available for Sisters Of Mercy. However, we expect them to announce a tour soon, and Event Tickets Center will be your place to buy tickets. In the meantime, listen to some of their most popular music via the playlist below and read up on some of their background and biggest achievements. You can also browse similar artists such as Bauhaus, Lebanon Hanover, Killing Joke, and Peter Murphy and check back soon to buy Sisters Of Mercy tickets!

Who is Sisters of Mercy?

Sisters of Mercy is a band that has reached mainstream status across the punk, emo, and metal categories. Sisters of Mercy has released 8 live and studio albums and 12 singles on Spotify that string all the way back to Jan 1, 1985 with their debut album titled First and Last and Always Collection. Their most recent album release was Some Girls Wander by Mistake on Sep 1, 1992.

Sisters of Mercy's Popularity

Sisters of Mercy's steady status has led to an overall artist ranking of 11,252 on Spotify in the United States. They have become well known for their exciting shows and entertaining performances which has built a robust following. This is largely fueled by nearly 1,000,000 listeners and over 500,000 followers on Spotify, but they also reach an additional over 9,000,000 listeners on Spotify through playlists. They average over 2,000,000 videos on YouTube and their top video on TikTok has tens of millions of views on the social media platform. There are also almost 40,000 posts on Tik Tok with Sisters of Mercy's tracks featured on them. When you attend your next Sisters of Mercy show, it will be easy to see why they have built such a large following.

Sisters of Mercy as an Artist

You likely recognize Sisters of Mercy by their top tracks which include "Lucretia My Reflection - Vinyl Version", "Temple of Love - 1992", and "Black Planet". You might also listen to Sisters of Mercy due to their earliest albums such as First and Last and Always Collection, First and Last and Always, and Floodland (2006 Remaster; Expanded Deluxe Version), but you may have heard of them from similar artists such as Siouxsie and the Banshees, Bauhaus, and Lebanon Hanover.

Sisters of Mercy Discography

AlbumRelease DateAlbum Type
Walk Away - EPJan 1, 1984Single
Body and Soul - EPJan 1, 1984Single
First and Last and Always CollectionJan 1, 1985Album
First and Last and AlwaysJan 1, 1985Album
No Time to Cry - EPJan 1, 1985Single
Floodland (2006 Remaster; Expanded Deluxe Version)Jan 1, 1987Album
FloodlandJan 1, 1987Album
This CorrosionJan 1, 1987Single
Floodland CollectionNov 13, 1987Album
Lucretia My ReflectionJan 1, 1988Single
DominionJan 1, 1988Single
Vision Thing (2006 Remaster; Expanded Deluxe Version)Jan 1, 1990Album
MoreJan 1, 1990Single
Doctor JeepJan 1, 1990Single
Vision ThingMar 1, 1990Album
When You Don't See MeJan 1, 1991Single
Some Girls Wander by MistakeSep 1, 1992Album
John Peel Session: 1982Aug 30, 2019Single
David 'Kid' Jensen Session: 1983 (Live)Mar 6, 2020Single
John Peel Session: 1984Jun 19, 2020Single

Sisters of Mercy Top Tracks

TrackAlbumRelease Date
"Alice"Some Girls Wander by MistakeJan 1, 1992
"Black Planet"First and Last and AlwaysJan 1, 1985
"Dominion / Mother Russia"FloodlandJan 1, 1987
"Lucretia My Reflection - Vinyl Version"FloodlandJan 1, 1987
"Marian - Version"First and Last and Always CollectionJan 1, 1985
"More"Vision ThingJan 1, 1990
"Never Land - A Fragment"FloodlandJan 1, 1987
"Nine While Nine"First and Last and Always CollectionJan 1, 1985
"Temple of Love - 1992"Some Girls Wander by MistakeSep 1, 1992
"This Corrosion"FloodlandJan 1, 1987

Similar Artists to Sisters of Mercy

ArtistGenreSpotify Followers
Siouxsie and the Bansheespunk1,238,613
Lebanon Hanoverminimal wave476,753
London After Midnightminimal wave229,172
Killing Jokemetal355,623
She Past Awayminimal wave232,461
Christian Deathminimal wave211,574
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The Missionminimal wave178,139
Alien Sex Fiendminimal wave140,595