Yakima Valley Pippins 2024 Game Schedule And Tickets

Yakima Valley Pippins Tickets

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The Yakima Valley Pippins

The Pippins are part of the West Coast League, a summer collegiate Minor League Baseball. The team has a reputation for developing young talent and sending players on to successful careers in professional baseball.

Since 2014, the Pippins have become a fixture of the Yakima sports scene. The team has a passionate fanbase that comes out in force for every home game, creating a lively and energetic atmosphere at Yakima County Stadium where the Pippins play their home games.

Despite their relatively short history, the Pippins have already made a name for themselves in the world of summer collegiate baseball. The team finished 4th in 2022 with a 29-25 record and has consistently been a strong contender in the West Coast League.

Whether you're a diehard baseball fan or just looking for a fun night out, a Pippins game is not to be missed.