Nile Tour Tickets

Nile Tickets


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Nile Tickets and Information

Currently, we do not have any tickets available for Nile. However, we expect them to announce a tour soon, and Event Tickets Center will be your place to buy tickets. In the meantime, listen to some of their most popular music via the playlist below and read up on some of their background and biggest achievements. You can also browse similar artists such as Deicide, Decapitated, Vader, Suffocation, and Bloodbath and check back soon to buy Nile tickets!

Who is Nile?

Nile is a band from Greenville that has reached mid-level status across the deathcore, death metal, and grindcore categories. Nile has released 11 live and studio albums and 3 singles on Spotify that string all the way back to Apr 28, 1998 with their debut album titled Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka. Their most recent album release was The Underworld Awaits Us All on Aug 23, 2024.

Nile's Popularity

Nile's steady growth has led to an overall artist ranking of 43,022 on Spotify in the United States. They have become well known for their exciting shows and entertaining performances which has built a robust following. This is largely fueled by over 100,000 listeners and nearly 300,000 followers on Spotify, but they also reach an additional over 2,000,000 listeners on Spotify through playlists. They average almost 400,000 videos on YouTube and their top video on TikTok has over 2,000,000 views on the social media platform. There are also nearly 2,000 posts on Tik Tok with Nile's tracks featured on them. Nile is most listened to in Chicago in the United States.When you attend your next Nile show, it will be easy to see why they have built such a large following.

Nile as an Artist

You likely recognize Nile by their top tracks which include "Permitting the Noble Dead to Descend to the Underworld", "Vile Nilotic Rites", and "Lashed To the Slave Stick". You might also listen to Nile due to their earliest albums such as Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka, Black Seeds of Vengence, and In Their Darkened Shrines, but you may have heard of them from similar artists such as Morbid Angel, Deicide, and Dark Funeral.

Nile's Music Library

Nile has released a total of 11 albums on Spotify and is the main or feature artist on 214 tracks. Their full discography can be found in the charts below, as well as their top 10 songs. However, when you attend a Nile show, you're sure to hear more than a few of their big hits from their top albums which include Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka, Black Seeds of Vengence, and In Their Darkened Shrines. Their most recent album, The Underworld Awaits Us All was released on Aug 23, 2024. To supplement their albums, Nile has released 3 singles on Spotify. Their top singles, which will more than likely be included in their setlists, are Chapter for Not Being Hung Upside Down on a Stake in the Underworld and Made to Eat Feces by the Four Apes, To Strike with Secret Fang, and Under the Curse of the One God, with their most recent single, Under the Curse of the One God, being released on Aug 20, 2024.

Nile Discography

AlbumRelease DateAlbum Type
Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-KaApr 28, 1998Album
Black Seeds of VengenceSep 5, 2000Album
In Their Darkened ShrinesAug 20, 2002Album
Annihilation of the WickedMay 24, 2005Album
IthyphallicJul 20, 2007Album
Those Whom the Gods DetestNov 6, 2009Album
Worship The AnimalOct 11, 2011Album
At the Gate of SethuJun 29, 2012Album
What Should Not Be UnearthedAug 28, 2015Album
Vile Nilotic RitesNov 1, 2019Album
Chapter for Not Being Hung Upside Down on a Stake in the Underworld and Made to Eat Feces by the Four ApesMay 29, 2024Single
To Strike with Secret FangJul 9, 2024Single
Under the Curse of the One GodAug 20, 2024Single
The Underworld Awaits Us AllAug 23, 2024Album

Nile Top Tracks

TrackAlbumRelease Date
"Annihilation of the Wicked"Annihilation of the WickedMay 24, 2005
"Chapter for Not Being Hung Upside Down on a Stake in the Underworld and Made to Eat Feces by the Four Apes"The Underworld Awaits Us AllAug 23, 2024
"Hittite Dung Incantation"Those Whom the Gods DetestNov 6, 2009
"Kafir!"Those Whom the Gods DetestNov 6, 2009
"Lashed To the Slave Stick"Annihilation of the WickedMay 24, 2005
"Permitting the Noble Dead to Descend to the Underworld"Those Whom the Gods DetestNov 6, 2009
"Sacrifice Unto Sebek"Annihilation of the WickedMay 24, 2005
"Snake Pit Mating Frenzy"Vile Nilotic RitesNov 1, 2019
"The Essential Salts"IthyphallicJul 20, 2007
"Vile Nilotic Rites"Vile Nilotic RitesNov 1, 2019

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